Daily Archives: November 23, 2008

normal service will resume soon


I’m afraid most of us have gone down with the lurgy. So far only Ronan and Al have escaped it.

As seems to be the way with me-I had to have it in a more dramatic form than everyone else. I have to say I had a proud parent moment on Friday.

I was so ill I could barely move-or stay awake. Alex was still unwell and Avila hadn’t started the morning well either.

Al went to work and Iona took care of the little ones. She was marvellous with them. I sent them out with Josh in the afternoon to get an airing and to give Iona a break. She was patient and gentle the whole time.

She went down with it Friday night herself poor kid. She’s reasonably okay today but it was depleted family that went to Mass this morning.

Learning to take care of each other is an important part of life.

Anyway-normal service will resume soon 🙂