Home ed trip: beautiful experience

We visited a Serbian Orthodox Church today. It was a stunningly beautiful place and a deeply moving experience.  The priest told us about the Church and a little about his own story of how he and his parents escaped from Serbia after suffering in the camps and prisons of the Communist regeme.  I would like to learn more about the Serbian community around here for they must have stories to tell.

P1000211The Church is built in the traditional style with men from Serbia coming to the rescue of the building firm who had no idea how to construct the dome. One man, from Belgrade, painted all the icon frescos that cover the walls and ceiling of the Church. It took him sixteen years. Apart from the stunning talent of this man he must have been someone of deep prayer. True beauty is often lacking in our world today-but this church is a small peice of heaven.

Father sang for us. He sang in Slavic the Litany of Serbian Saints-well some of it. I remember reading that research showed that people exposed to Gregorian chant could be cured of migraines and have their blood pressure reduced. This chant is like that and has a very Jewish sound to it too-more so than Gregnorian I think. It seems to stand between the Jewish cantor and the Latin chant touching both. Father had just the right voice for this. I can only describe it as ‘cleansing’.

A couple of the dads would like the chance to visit and I think as Father has said we could go again I may try and book another visit-with dads too.

Meanwhile term is coming to a close. I’ll finish Roni tomorrow and then next week is all for Iona and filming with her. After that we will revert to autonomous ed for the holidays. You see the children don’t stop learning, they just don’t get structured learning.

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